
The current version of the package works with either Python2 or Python 3. The primary use and testing of the package has been done on a Debian linux system. The package had limited testing on OSX and Windows.

Virtual Environments

The vegindex package has typically been used in a virtual environment. For Python3 this means having the venv package installed. I have also used Anaconda/Miniconda which has it’s own virtual environment manager. The use of virtual environments is beyond the scope of this document but using them is highly recommended.

Python venv package

When using the venv package:

mkdir vegindex
cd vegindex
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

After that, hopefully, the installation will be as simple as installing the package: into the virtual environment. At the command line:

pip install vegindex

If you have problems please contact the author or submit a problem report on the `github page`__.

:: github page

Using conda/miniconda environments

The steps for using this package in a conda environment are

conda create --name vegindex python=3.9
conda activate vegindex
conda install numpy matplotlib pillow requests pandas pyephem
pip install vegindex

With pipenv you can do the following in your working directory:

pipenv shell
pipenv install vegindex